Wednesday, January 28, 2015

One Way Forward

Keep moving forward, albeit slowly. Because the state to keep moving, you make progress. It is much better to move forward, albeit slowly, than not moving at all.

In life we often feel stuck just because we want to take a step that is too big, giant step. As a result, our problems look so big, complex and unresolved. As a result, you just pensive and do not move.

Be patient and try to retreat for a while. Note challenge anda.Tidakkah more possible for you to take short steps continuously, rather than trying to swallow all the problems at once. One small step by one small step, as long as you do not stop, is enough, because you still have tomorrow and still want to move forward. And not stop.
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Do You Know.
Today do not know toothpaste tastes weird. However, in China, especially in rural areas, people who did not know it was pretty much a tool, to 60 percent. Worse yet, from those who are accustomed to brushing teeth, 90 percent "do not brush your teeth properly".

To clean the teeth, most of the rural Chinese communities using fingers or a towel. Then to gargle, the villagers prefer to use plain water or tea, which reportedly favored also by their leader, Mao Zedong. So do not be surprised if their teeth greenish.

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