Sunday, January 18, 2015

How to use Coffee to keep Skin Smooth

Coffee has many benefits, it is not limited as the Remover of drinks taste of sleepiness. Coffee can also be applied as lulur. It functions in addition to sublimate the skin is also soothing and stress busting. Caffeine content therein is able to stimulate the nerve center in the human body through the proaktifnya substance to get rid of sleepiness.

Coffee also provides benefits that good if is used to luluran. Caffeine content in coffee grounds can lift the dead skin cells, improving skin tissues inflamed so the skin will back soft and toned. Coffee also has vitamin E nourish the skin so that it is capable of properly when smeared on the body.

In addition, the population in India is happy to use coffee as coffee is believed capable of lulur because eliminating sore-sore and slimming the body if consumed can be routinely.

Quoted from, the following benefits that can be derived from the use of lulur coffee
  • Smoothes skin to minimize skin pores are enlarged.
  • Give more nutrients to the skin so that the skin will look soft and not dry.
  • Keep the moisture of the skin.
  • Keep the elasticity to the skin so that ELAN skin more awake.
  • Brighten skin because lifts lulur coffee and dead skin cells, dirt-dirt covering the pores of the skin.
  • The resulting coffee Aroma can help eliminate body odor.
  • Slimming the body and helps to eliminate cellulite appears on the skin.
  • Reduce the appearance of acne on the face and removes traces of black on the face due to sunlight or acne scars.
Lulur coffee is very easy to diracik. A good comparison to make coffee that is nutritious lulur 1: 2. So, 1 tablespoon ground black coffee (no sugar and milk mixture, or mocha in it), mixed with 2 tablespoons boiling water. Wait until the water becomes slightly warm then combine olive oil and honey to it. Stir until evenly, and start balurkan the potion to all parts of the body where the skin has a rugged or unhealthy. Wait up to 20 minutes, then you are taking a shower to clean up the remains of coffee.

For maximum results, use this 2 x in one week. You can give it a try if you’re curious with all the benefits that are written above.

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