Friday, January 9, 2015

Natural Ways to Whiten Underarm

Natural Ways to Whiten Underarm ~ Create and care for your body to always look beautiful and attractive is the thing everyone always take precedence, it aims to support the appearance to look beautiful and confident. Beauty care has always been a major part of the women in general, and it is not only visible from the face, but on the other body parts are also important such as the armpits. Do not forget to read Natural Ways to eliminate body odor

Armpits are part of the body that are generally closed, but for some people who use open clothes, then armpit is important to note. To make it look attractive and clean, many ways in which that is not black and hairy armpits both medical and traditional manner. See also How To Eliminate Acne

Applying is easy and natural way is much more important than making you do a clean armpit and white with drugs or other beauty tools, why is that? It was because of the side effects and cost-effective is the only answer if you use a natural way, just need patience to get the results you want. Here's an explanation of Underarm Whitening Natural Way.

1. Potatoes
The food that is rich in benefits, in addition to used for vegetables and a variety of dishes, potatoes are also believed to whiten armpit. As for how its use are:

     Grate the potatoes until smooth
     Create a grater results had become scrubs
     Apply grated into the armpits you wish to putihkan

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2. Turmeric
There are so many benefits of turmeric, one of which is to whiten underarms and eliminate underarm hair sideburns. The use of turmeric to whiten armpit you can use the following ways:

     Take turmeric to taste
     Puree turmeric and jadkan like powder
     Lulurkan or apply turmeric have you crushed on the armpits
     Let stand for 20-30 minutes
     Rinse and wash with water

3. Lemon
Fruits that have a sour taste and aroma is also capable of being a natural ingredient to whiten underarms, and how to use it you can do with:

     Cut the lemon into two parts
     Apply lemon liquid in the armpit that would bleached
     Do it every day in a row for 1-3 months
     See the results

4. Lemon
Lime is a fruit that is a lot of benefits for health and beauty, naturally whiten armpit can also be done by using lime, and how its use are:

     Take lemon juice to taste
     Cut into two parts
     Take lemon juice
     Apply to underarms
     And do every day

5. Cucumber
Cucumber generally used as food and vegetables, but it can also be used as a cucumber health and beauty ingredient, and to whiten armpit you can do with mengguankan cucumbers, and the way he is:

     Take cucumbers 2-3 pieces
     Cucumber slices and grated peel
     Apply grated result had become a mask in your armpit
     Let stand for 30 minutes
     Rinse your armpit to clean
     Perform routine

6. Clean the armpits regularly
In addition to using natural ingredients to 5 above, you can also memutihakan armpit with how to clean it every day with water. A simple way you can do this also if there is a sense of lazy use natural ingredients above, the way just by rubbing the armpits while you shower with soap and a soft cleaning tool specifically.

^^ So information about Natural Way Whiten Armpits, hopefully by applying the tips that I have explained properly and regularly, then certainly you will clean armpit and white, in addition of course you also have to be diligent to maintain and clean your armpits from dirt and germs -kuman attached, so the quality of your armpit will be maintained and always white and clean.

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