Friday, February 13, 2015

When is permitted Pregnant After Cancer Therapy

The desire to get pregnant and have a normal child is felt by every woman. However, women who were undergoing cancer treatment therapy should not be used to try the course of pregnancy. Doctors Alfiah Amiruddin breast cancer expert, said the therapy of cancer treatment can affect the health of the fetus. So it will increase the risk of birth record. "Effects of chemotherapy will not be lost in a long enough period of time. So must wait up to two years to get pregnant after therapy," Alfi said at an event some time ago. After two years, the effects of chemotherapy drugs have been very small. 

So it is likely damage the health of the fetus was already small. In two years, the risk for cancer recurrence is high. While during pregnancy, the hormone the body will increase and therefore contributes to the risk of recurrence. The goal of treatment with chemotherapy is to suppress the hormone that lowers the risk of cancer recurrence anyway. So that pregnancy can be counterproductive to the treatment being performed. Moreover, usually while undergoing cancer treatment therapy, reproductive organs become infertile. "Rahim dry. So it is natural that difficult pregnancy occurs," Alfi said. Determination of a two-year waiting period to get pregnant after chemotherapy is actually a new rule. Earlier, even a woman must wait much longer, which is five years. However, with improvements in the quality of chemotherapy drugs, then the time can be shortened. "Now chemotherapy drugs are already getting better. A long-term study proves, after two years the effect is gone," said Alfi.

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