Saturday, February 14, 2015

Cycle Journey Egg Before fertilized

How to calculate the fertile period one is to know the journey egg cell in the body. Want to know more about the cell cycle before the fertilized egg? Listen to Dr. Prima Progestian explanation, SpOG, following. The reproductive organs of women go through several processes are repeated every month. Hose menstrual cycle from one month to the other, normally occurs between 21 and 35 days, or an average of about 28 days. If the irregular menstrual cycles, cycle counting fertile period can still be made ​​even if the accuracy is reduced. Prior to calculate your fertile period, try to see a cycle ride before the fertilized egg. 

1. Menstrual menstrual cycle calculation starts from the first day of menstruation in a month. In this phase, the endometrium is shed and came out in the form of menstrual blood. Menstruation usually lasts for 5-7 days. 

2. The formation of the egg after menstruation is over, the mucous membrane of the uterus ( endometrium ) began to grow and thicken to prepare for the egg to be fertilized. At the same time, simultaneously cells undergo development and maturation of eggs in the ovaries. 

3. Ovulation On the 12th day since the first day of menstruation, the ovaries swell and release a mature egg. That's when ovulation occurs. After ovarian rupture, the former shell form of the hormone progesterone which serves to maintain the thickness of the mucous membrane of the uterus so that the embryo is ready plastered. 

4. Sperm meets egg cell that has taken the ovulation phase was then ready to meet the sperm, and a process of unification. If it is fertilized, then the formation of the embryo that will stick in the womb and growing. Meanwhile, if the egg is ready to be fertilized by the sperm are not met, then the previously thickened uterus will shed back in the form of menstrual blood. 

So, what happens when the sperm entered when the egg has not been released? It is true that outside the fertile period, the sperm will be difficult to penetrate cervical mucus due to clots that block the cervix. "However, there may be some successful sperm cells 'break through' the womb of the millions of sperm cells. However, if when the phase of the formation of the sperm into the egg, he was not able to fertilize. The egg is immature and no one has been released so that he would swim alone, "said Prima

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