Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Disadvantages Yourself

We all know that the real man is not perfect, everything has its advantages and disadvantages. So, should the differences that exist do so conflict between us, even just the opposite; the difference was created to complement each other.

And, let us not too sorry for yourself; if we have a shortage, then we should not consider ourselves to be weak, we suppose this is just a little different from the others. Because each person is also fundamentally different and have weaknesses or deficiencies.

Focus yourself on the things we can possibly do, not on our shortcomings. Focus on our strengths and build the strength to succeed. Do not be too contemplate self-pity or even shut myself from the reality of life, because it will not help at all.

Go and do not be afraid to make mistakes, because the act means we sudahmengatasikelemah andirikitadan best evoked potentials ourselves. It is very useful for us to achieve the best things in life.

Thanks to our circumstances. God is omniscient upon us, and we otherwise can not know what his planned. 

Did you know.
Popularity sank the British royal family in the eyes of the country's young people. Similarly, according to a poll conducted by Market and Opinion Research International.

Sixty percent of respondents aged 16-24 years say they are more interested in the life of "Family Simpsons" compared to 18 percent who choose family interested in UK.

Even worse, according to The poll found that only one in five respondents from the age group who remember the first name of the fourth child of Queen Elizabeth II. their queen. Meanwhile, almost half of the respondents were captured, they memorized the names of three well-known figures in the British television soap opera, East Enders. However, 70 percent of respondents still want to retain the monarchy as their form of government. 

Wisdom Of The Day
Open your eyes when walking, because we can only be met by chance. As for the occasion itself blind. Hold on tight, because the opportunity came and went without telling (Anonymous)

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