Monday, February 23, 2015

Oil Pulling Therapy Magical Health

Ayurvedic Oil Pulling Therapy, is one of the therapeutic alternatives in maintaining oral health. Because this therapy is done by rinsing using oil.

Then, what is Oil Pulling yourself? According to various sources, Oil Pulling is a natural therapy that has been done since thousands of years ago. Many people believe that the success of therapy Oil Pulling is caused by the absorption of toxins and chemicals through the blood vessels in the mouth and tongue, as well as the absorption of fatty acids contained in the oil that is used by the sublingual gland located under the tongue.

Based on the presentation Dr. Karach, Oil Pulling can help cure various diseases, from headache, toothache, bronchitis, eczema and boils, to a variety of diseases in and some specific diseases experienced by women. Even also can cure neurological disorders, paralysis, preventing the growth of malignant tumors, and many other disorders.

One day, my friend is allergic much food . Whenever eating certain foods, the skin becomes red and itchy, accompanied by swelling. Condition very frightening. However, after undergoing routine Oil Pulling every morning for 2 months, the disease was never returned and the skin becomes cleaner although diet has not changed at all.

Natural therapy that originated in India has been tested and is believed properties by millions of people around the world . It increases my faith to try this type of therapy to overcome various health problems that I experienced.

The method is very simple, not dangerous , and very cheap: only for a spoonful of vegetable cooking oil every day! The most frequent type of oil used is the sesame oil and sunflower oil. But can also use organic coconut oil cold pressed.

How to do it?

· Choose your oil type
Do it in the morning before eating and drinking. Pour a tablespoon of sunflower oil / sesame / coconut oil or whatever you have chosen, and gargle with the oil for 15-20 minutes. Children can also do this with the amount of oil that is adjusted, as long as they can control not to swallow it.

· How to Gargle
Try gargling perfectly. Make sure the oil in the mouth of all parts of the oral cavity, including between the teeth and under the tongue. This oil will begin to mix with saliva. If the jaw muscles become stiff, it means you are too stubborn rinse. Relaxed and relax the jaw muscles and use your tongue to help drive the oil in the mouth.

If there is interference, so my friend was worried would swallow the oil, such as sneezing or coughing want, then remove the contents of the mouth and try again from the beginning. At first it is a bit uncomfortable because it has not been accustomed to, but if you are patient and diligent implement, then in a few weeks, you will experience positive results. In the mouth, the oil will change color to white as milk. After rinsing for 15-20 minutes, spit the contents of the mouth.

· Clean your mouth
Once all the oil has been removed, rinse the mouth (by rinsing well) with warm water that has been mixed with table salt. Salt water is not absolutely necessary, but it is helpful as an anti-microbial and good for inflammation, is also effective in flushing out any toxins that may still remain in the mouth.

· Repeat this treatment every day for at least 30 days, but ideally 45-60 days.

Good luck and hopefully useful! ^ _ ^

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