Thursday, February 5, 2015


Having a clean face has definitely been the target for many people, especially for a woman. A clean face is one thing that is capable of supporting performances, considering the face is one of the important assets, especially in terms of beauty. 

But even so, a lot of different kinds of problems in the face of not only reducing the beauty, but also reduces our confidence, especially when performing in front of people. 

Problems on the face can be caused by a variety of things and has considerable variety, so require extra handling within eliminate. Not only facial acne, but the emergence of blackheads or black dots become one of the problems is enough to make many of us feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. 

Here's a practical way to remove blackheads four stubborn , that you can try at home. 

1. Use water and lemon juice.

How to remove blackheads or "blackheads" The first is to use lemon juice and lemon. Juice will be able to assist us in reducing excess oil on the face. 

Use it was fairly easy, namely by applying lemon juice that has been squeezed to face troubled. For good results, then you can leave it for the night. Oranges and lemons are also useful not only for the face, but also has many health benefits for both the survival of our body. 

2. The mixture of salt water.

Use water that has been mixed with salt is one way to get rid of blackheads you can do. This salt water mix have properties to reduce the oil on your face. 

Blackheads or black dots themselves are caused by excess oil production in the face as well because we lack in maintaining the cleanliness of the face itself. 

3. Use aloe vera.

Aloe vera is one of the types of plants that are good for the health of our hair, so as to make hair seem more beautiful and attractive to the eye. Not only good for hair health, but aloe vera is also one of the most powerful ways to remove blackheads are very difficult to remove. 

How to use aloe vera to remove blackheads or black flag is quite easy, by rubbing aloe vera gel on the skin that is problematic or dots appear blackheads. One interesting note, aloe vera turns out to have good content to address the inflammation of the skin due to the intensity of blackheads faster time. 

4. Egg White.

How to remove blackheads which then is to use egg whites. The egg white is not only able to reduce the existing blackheads on the face, but also able to overcome problems such as facial wrinkles, skin breaks, and a decrease in skin moisture. 

With the use of egg whites regularly and routinely, it could face back to normal or even more shine like a young age.

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