Friday, February 6, 2015


Maintaining health is an important thing to be aware even early on to prevent us from various types of health problems exist.

Especially for a woman, maintaining health is really urgent because many types of specific diseases that only attack women only such as vaginal discharge, or it could be one type of cancer is cervical cancer.

To overcome white
Tips to maintain the health of women associated with the problem of whiteness is routine hygiene Miss V. Keeping the intimate area will be able to keep us from various types of bacteria present.

Whitish itself can be caused by fungi or bacteria can also. Additionally, for those who experience excessive vaginal discharge, then you can use betel leaves as one of the best natural solution.

Whitish not only caused by various types of bacteria or fungi, but can also be caused by the use of pads that are not appropriate. The use of pads that are not suitable for use must be replaced immediately to avoid various types of disorders other bad.

Cope with menstrual pain
At the time we were having periods or menstruation, sometimes we feel pain or pain in the pelvic area down. Pain during menstruation can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle.

To cope with menstrual pain when you can do a variety of ways as well as consume lots of different kinds of vegetables and fresh fruits. Vegetables and fruits also have good nutritional content for our health and can reduce pain or pain caused by menstruation.

Not only consume a variety of vegetables and fruits, but maintain the health of women associated with the coming months you can do by way of exercise. Sport is not only able to reduce the risk of pain during menstruation, but also able to make our body become healthier and stronger.

Cervical cancer
Overcoming this type of cancer can be performed using soursop leaves. Soursop leaves contain many types of content that are good for the health of the body and is able to kill cancer cells in the body, including cervical cancer.

Not only that, soursop leaf also has other advantages as well as help boost the immune system to support your daily activities. With a strong immune system, then we certainly will not be susceptible to various types of diseases that are now many kinds.

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