Sunday, March 1, 2015

Mangosteen Benefits for Maternal Health

Maternal health is an important thing that should be on guard always. One way to maintain the health of pregnant women is by eating healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables. Healthy food is important during pregnancy in order to maintain the health of the mother and fetus and avoid the occurrence of birth defects or infant malnutrition.

One of the pieces that should be used as a menu of healthy pregnant women is the mangosteen fruit. Mangosteen contains many important substances for pregnant women such as vitamin C, folate and others.

Mangosteen Benefits for Maternal Health

Why should mangosteen? because the mangosteen fruit contains many nutrients needed for pregnant women such as vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C is one of the essential vitamins that should be in asup by pregnant women, because vitamin C plays a role in maintaining the elasticity of the skin during pregnancy, preserve healthy skin when the stretching line with the growth of the baby. In addition, vitamin C may be useful to improve the immunity of the mother and fetus and abortion.

In addition, the mangosteen fruit is important to be consumed because it contains a number of folate that is no stranger beneficial to health. Folic acid is useful for the fetus, especially in preventing birth defects such as cleft lip, heart defects, and disorders of the spine. So, consuming mangosteen fruit for pregnant women not only meet the vitamins and minerals alone but also meets the needs sebahagian folat acid.

In addition to folic acid, the mangosteen fruit also contains a lot of manganese are important for the growth and development of the baby, such as for the growth of cartilage, baby skeleton growth during the growing period. Not only that, manganese in the mangosteen can also protect infants and pregnant women of disorder symptoms.

So, you do not need to be afraid now to consume mangosteen, especially for those of you who are now in a period of pregnancy. Make mangosteen fruit as a healthy family that you consume at least once a month.

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