Thursday, March 5, 2015

Instant Noodles Cooking Tips For Better Health

Instant noodles have become the daily food of Indonesian citizens. If there are no noodles and side dishes served, the instant noodles so fast and practical answer. The many variations of instant noodles and a variety of delicious flavors offered make instant noodles into a staple food and is always in-stock in the kitchen cupboard.
Though instant food is not good if consumed in excess. A large content of sodium (salt) and MSG in the instant noodles make some people worry when taking them. Indeed, instant noodles is not dangerous if you are wise mengomsumsinya.
Here's 5 tips for instant noodles could be healthier and have enough nutritional value.
1. One piece of instant noodles are often feared was marinade. Inevitably, salt and MSG are in the initial composition of the instant noodle seasoning. Yet we know that the intake of salt and MSG has its limits. Therefore, less seasoning instant noodles when you make it, wear half alone or you do not use at all.
Replace it with spice seasoning blend your own. For example, a mixture of crushed garlic recovered, a little pepper, salt, sugar, soy sauce, gravy or other natural seasonings. It was indeed not as good if you wear the whole spice, but the taste of natural ingredients are healthier for the body.
2. Many people eat instant noodles are still raw in a way dirematkan and flavored, but the way is very unhealthy and not recommended. Dried instant noodles should be processed first in order to mature and has a texture that is more easily digested. If not mature, then the digestive process more difficult.
Therefore, make sure you cook instant noodles in a manner specified presentation. Wear the recommended amount of water, measuring the time to cook the noodles cooked perfectly. There are some people who throw water murky stew noodles and boiled water is replaced with another. There has been no research on this, but it never hurts to try.
3. Although it is said to have nutrients, instant noodles actually gives more carbohydrate intake and make full with less balanced nutrition. Therefore, you can add other foods that naturally but still delicious when eaten with noodles.
The materials that you can mix is ​​vegetable like lettuce, tomatoes, carrots and so on. For protein, you can mix the egg, minced beef, shrimp or chicken. In fact, you can add out in instant noodles. Avoid frozen sausages or similar products, because natural ingredients better.
4. The increasing awareness of healthy living, more and more people also began to reduce instant noodles. One editor Vemale itself encouraging to just eat instant noodles once a month. There is also a maximum of once a week. This choice is not wrong, because cooking your own meals from natural materials are preferable.
Note also when you eat instant noodles. Should avoid eating instant noodles before bedtime. Because it is made from flour, instant noodles into the body is converted into sugar, so it is not good if you eat before bed. Moreover, a heavy meal before bed will only burden your digestive organs are supposed to rest when you sleep.
5. One of the eating habits of people in Indonesia who sadly is mixed with rice noodles. Sure .. sometimes not relieved if a meal without rice. But for instant noodles, you should not mix the noodles and rice. Instant noodles already have a lot of calories and carbohydrates, mix it with rice would only make the body has a higher sugar content.
Therefore, compared to plus rice, mix your instant noodles with a variety of materials that we had written earlier. Eating and without recourse, because everything is not excessive either.
Hopefully these tips can make you more healthy.

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