Friday, February 27, 2015

Brain food to Feeding

On a very sunny day I will share with all my friends about some of the foods that are believed if consumed can educate the brain.
Some of these types of foods would be quite easy once we can, maybe we do not even know that some of the following foods can be efficacious to make intelligent brain. Which of course in addition to the food we consume, we also have to be diligent to learn that the food we eat can work on our brains.
Okay with it, here are some foods that can educate the brain, as compiled from various sources that may be trusted.
Fish oilIn fish oil containing omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil contains omega 3 most are found in sardines or salmon. Omega-3 fats have long believed to stimulate the intelligence of our brains.
VegetableMany vegetables are best used to improve the performance of our brain, among which Spinach and broccoli. Both vegetable proficiency level is very rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, and beta-carotene which is essential for health. They also contain folate which can speed up the brain receives information and remember it.
EggsEggs are very rich in iron, iodine, and vitamin B12 are essential for the brain. Iron create red blood cells that carries oxygen to the brain. Meanwhile iodine improve problem-solving abilities.
Green teaIt turns out that green tea can also educate our brain. Green tea can increase mental alertness and memory. The content of antioxidants in it also can reduce the risk of dementia.
BrownChocolate is rich in flavonoids, chemicals that enhance the performance of the brain that can improve cognitive. Flavonoids also enable the formation of neurons in the brain, which increases blood flow to the brain.
Those are some foods that can improve brain performance and also can educate our brain, and once again the intelligence we may not be able to consume these foods alone but intelligence can we can learn a lot and read a book.
So first my article on this occasion, I hope this article can be useful to the reader as well. Please provide comments on this article by writing in the comments box which has been available under, and do not forget to write down the address of the blog for my friends who have a blog so that we can return to visit and leave a comment.
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Ordinary Activity Do With Foot

In my previous article I have discussed about the benefits of walking and the factors that make people to walk, in this article I will discuss about the activities of what ordinary people do relate to walk.
in fact almost all human activities certainly do walk, but not everyone is willing to walk even though they may be done on foot. the point is that there are activities that most people do it on foot, but there are also some who do not do the walk though the same activity, for that I will share about the activities that surely everyone is doing it by foot.
No doubt that the benefits of walking it very much, but not everyone knows. they prefer to use the vehicle for somewhere even if the venue can be dilaukan they go by foot. Here are some of the usual activities of persons jointly by foot.
1. Fun Walk2. Stair Climb3. Run Morning4. Conducting Inside Home5. Conducting In The Office
That's some usual activities on foot, hopefully this article can be useful to the reader as well. If you have any suggestions or criticisms please write in the comments box on the bottom. forward and continue to follow the helpful more articles from us.
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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Less Drinking Milk? Beware of Iodine Deficiency Symptoms in Young Age

Bembridge Gill was so worried when found a small lump in the neck of her daughter, Faye. He thinks his daughter is just cold. Until one day one of his friends said it was not an ordinary lump. "He was a retired doctor, Whose name was Pete Lansley. He said the lump was a sign of iodine deficiency Faye. It never occurred to me though," said the mother of two children Gill. And shocked when the long-term effects of iodine deficiency is not just a bump, but to a mental disorder, whether it's in children and adults, though. Especially for young women, Also they need more iodine in order to develop breasts and ovaries either.

According to the WHO report, iodine deficiency IS ALSO closely related to the decline in IQ or intelligence, acute fatigue, miscarriage, to thyroid disorders play an important role in the development process. When severe, iodine deficiency can also lead to memory loss and infertility. When questioning, Dr Lansley explained mumps or bumps that Appear on the neck of a 9-year-old girl Also he found the neighborhood kids were teenagers WHO in the Yorkshire region. Lump right in the middle of the neck and will move up and down while chewing. "Mumps is the most obvious symptom of iodine deficiency. When the body is deprived of Reviews These minerals then enlarged thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormone itself, so swell," explained Dr Lansley. "In the 60s I have worked in Turkey and peace be upon him a lot of teenage girls experiencing Reviews These conditions, but I never thought I'd see it in the UK," he added. But of a study published in The Lancet in 2011 revealed that 70 percent of teens in the corners UK experienced a shortage of iodine, Although only one of five children iodinnya classified as very low levels.

So how can teenagers in the UK iodine deficiency? Iodine can be Obtained from seafood, seaweed, cod and mussels. But more commonly found in the UK is the cheese and yogurt. Just only in 1970 the consumption of milk in this country dropped dramatically due to allergies and changes in public tastes. While organic milk produced in farms United containing iodine is 40 percent less than the milk produced on farms in general. Lucky after being taken to the doctor and get a prescription iodine supplements, mumps in the neck Faye slowly disappear in just one month. After that Gill is determined to Ensure adequate intake of milk and other foods rich in iodine nutrition expert it. According daughter Leona Victoria Djajadi, DNC, iodine classified into three nutrients that must be given so that children grow up smart. "The easiest way to comply is to use iodized salt, but do not overdo it Also," he of toll detikHealth some time ago. Children 0-1 years of age may consume 1 gram of salt per day, and for children aged 1-6 years 2-3 grams of salt can be given per day.
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Throat Pain When Swallowing Food and Drink

Throat has a separate function of the esophagus trankea and Prevent food and drinks to get into the respiratory tract, where the throat is composed of two parts items, namely a food line (esophagus) and the path of breath (throat). So, what if your throat hurt when drinking and swallowing food? Discomfort and anxiety certainly haunt you. Public consultation sessions throughout 2015, the question of throat pain while swallowing food drink and be one of the questions that Often Mentioned the reader, for example Retno, single women aged 24 years. Doc I had a complaint in the throat to swallow food and drink back pain and neck Dito also. Dr. pain Anugroho caregivers Public Health Consultation Generally explain the problem arises when a person has a fever over 38 degrees Celsius, no cough, and after examination by the doctor met the tender anterior cervical adenopathy. In addition, with exudate or swelling of the tonsils, then there is the Likely diagnosis leads to Group GABHS (Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal) pharyngitis. 

"However, there are many more possibilities for diagnosis (diagnosis) of afternoon or evening throat throat besides pharyngitis, tonsillitis example, tansilofaringitis, abscess peritonsil," said Dr. Dito WHO works in the Department of Neuroscience and Brain and Circulation Institute of Indonesia (BCII). According to Dr. Dito, a former lecturer at the University of Surya, afternoon or evening throat throat 50-80% are the caused by viral infections, eg Adenovirus virus, influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, and so on. As well, the rest (20-50%), sore throat is the caused by bacteria, Reviews such as Streptococcus pyogenes group A, Fusobacterium necrophorum, Haemophilus influenzae type B, etc. 

He added that, in addition to viruses and bacteria, other possibilities can be the caused GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), postnasal drip (allergic rhinitis or other respiratory diseases), acute thyroiditis, persistent cough, trauma (injury, wound), tooth pain switches / creeper (Referred dental pain). "Prevention of throat afternoon was easy. Avoid consumption of food and beverages are pungent or Potentially irritating (injure) mucous membranes (mucosa) of the throat, Reviews such as spicy foods, hot, greasy (or fried with bulk oil), and acid. Often a warm beverage consumption, Reviews such as ginger, and orange sweet warm, "advises Dr. Dito Diligently WHO wrote the book. Dr. Dito add the consumption of water, vegetables and fruits should be expanded, along with maintaining stamina, regular breaks, reproduce worship, meningingkatkan spirituality, living a healthy life, in harmony, harmony and balance to Prevent strep throat.
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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

7 Habits Unique Body For More Fit And Healthy

Companions, health tips. Having a vision and discipline is the first step to obtain sustainable health in the future. So, did you have a health-related vision in a span of 5 (five) years in the future ... ???. As in the example, "I am going to implement a healthy lifestyle starting today to five years, so that my body is getting fitter and healthier". There are a variety of unique habit to get physically fit and more healthy. Here is an elaboration:

"More Healthy", surely the expectations and desires of each person in the short term and long term. In poetic language, "What you plant today, you will reap in the future". Or in a language easy, healthy habits that you do starting today, will have benefits for today and the future. Healthy habits should begin to do without having to put it off. So, what are the unique habits to be more fit and healthy is increasingly ... ???.
  1. They are always consistent. In this case, they've made a list, or a list of the various activities and healthy food they need to do and eat each day. Thus preventing a variety of unhealthy habits is usually done.
  2. They Doing the Happy Hearts. As in the example, if they start to get tired of walking in the morning, then they start other activities such as cycling or swimming. With the goal of eliminating boredom, but still on track health promotion.
  3. They Prioritize Body Health. In this case, they would prefer to engage in activities that nourish the body and eat healthy and do various bad habits and unhealthy foods.
  4. They Always Motivated To Increasing this. In this case, a person who has been practicing a healthy lifestyle every day, would want everything to continue and wherever possible enhanced rather than down.
  5. They Always Fast Back, If notwithstanding. In this case, certainly not easy to practice a healthy lifestyle without the temptations that go with it. Therefore, they are always quick to realize his mistake and return to a healthy lifestyle that is already scheduled.
  6. They Always Open Top Suggestions The Building. In this case, they will abide by the advice of health experts on a variety of healthy way of life that is easy and effective and not selfish and say that a healthy lifestyle that they live is the most correct.
  7. They Do not Focus On Weight Loss. Not a few of us would think, that a healthy lifestyle only aims to restore the body to a proportional rate. Though true, healthy lifestyle that we do is to get a better body fit, fitter and more healthy at all times.
Good tips on health to review a variety of unique habit to get into a more fit and more healthy and useful to the reader. Finally, the warm greetings of the author. Image courtesy of photostock at
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Skin Disease Can Be Deadly

There are 44 types of skin diseases that have been found in this world. Of these, most of which interfere with a person's appearance and even life-threatening. One of the diseases that can be life-threatening skin is skin cancer.

Skin cancer is in addition can make a person become visible strange appearance, also can lead to death if not handled properly. Then, skin diseases especially disturbing and how should we handle it?

"Changes in skin types can indicate internal problems such as infection, cancer, autoimmune disease, or allergic reactions," says dermatologist Janet Prystowsky, as quoted from Care2, Friday (28/11).

Skin Disease Can Be Deadly

Here are 7 disease that may appear on your skin, and be wary of:

1. Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a disease of the immune system caused by the white blood cells are overactive, called T-cells. "Psoriasis appears as patches of red, circular lesions covered with scales whitish, especially in the knees and elbows," said Prystowsky.

The next step, if you have joint pain, skin doctor can refer you to a rheumatologist, who may prescribe methotrexate. Then if you have a lesion width, you also can suffer from strep throat. Your dermatologist may prescribe topical steroids to reduce inflammation.

People with psoriasis are also at higher risk for cardiovascular disease, so internists you should check your blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride regularly.

2. Food Allergies
Food allergies are the result of the reaction of the immune system, usually for protein release histamines. Histamines usually cause hives or itching of the skin scars and sometimes a rash around the mouth. "Taking an antihistamine such as Benadryl can worsen symptoms such as difficulty breathing," said Prystowsky.

If you are having trouble breathing, call your doctor or emergency room immediately.

3. Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is a viral disease that causes inflammation of the liver. You may notice a rash on your legs and your body usually do not respond to medications such as topical steroids. Your doctor may order a blood test to confirm hepatitis C.

4. Liver Disease
Liver disease is a general term for any liver damage such as cirrhosis, hepatitis C, cancer of the pancreas or bile duct cancer. You need to get a blood test, or a liver biopsy.

5. Syphilis
Syphilis is a bacterial infection spread through sexual contact. An ulcer may appear in the cervix or vagina or woman in a man's penis. Next, you may get a lump of debris, including on the palms of hands and soles of your feet.

If a positive blood test for syphilis, your doctor will give you penicillin.

6. Staph Infection
Staph infections are caused by bacteria called staphylococcus. Your skin may blister or swollen and blackened hair follicles. If an infection in one place, the doctor may prescribe a topical antibiotic. If widespread then your doctor will give you oral antibiotics instead.

7. Internal Cancer
Internal cancer is cancer in your body such as breast or prostate cancer. New external growth may be cancer that has spread, appear on the skin.

Internists you will perform a screening test or a blood test to determine whether you have an internal cancer.

Hopefully we all avoid the seven deadly skin disease above.
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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Scientific Facts About Mosquito Bites

Mosquitoes are not just annoying with painful bites but also small animals are killer dangerous . Enough already with one bite can transmit the disease and mosquitoes also includes the type of animal that is very difficult to fight because it has a very fast breeding cycle.

So it is not excessive if the world health day which is celebrated on 7 April 2014 the WHO and the Ministry of Health yesterday launched an effort to prevent mosquito breeding. But how much do you really know about mosquitoes and the risks they take it?

Here are some scientific facts about mosquitoes:
1. Not all mosquitoes bite
"There are about 170 different species of mosquitoes in North America (and 3,500 worldwide), but not all of them bite humans. Of these, only females are blood suckers , they use a protein in the blood to produce eggs. There are two species which are responsibility as spreaders of disease in the United States: Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, which is generally known as the Asian tiger mosquito as black lines and white.

It is not clear whether they (mosquitoes) are interested in a particular blood type, "says researcher and medical director of the Medical Systems Infection Control Program Loyola University and adviser to the National Pest Management Association, Jorge Parada, MD, as reported by Fox News website on Friday (25 / 9).

2. It is not clear whether the mosquitoes are interested in a particular blood group
"Research has claimed that people with blood type O bitten more often than people with type A or type B, but this finding is disputed," said Dr. Parada.

Little evidence that wearing dark clothes would be interesting mosquitoes, as is commonly believed.

3. Mosquitoes like CO 2
More likely, the mosquitoes attracted to people who exhale carbon dioxide levels are higher, such as pregnant women or drink beer. "Mosquitoes find a host (host) to detect body heat and chemical signals," said Dr. Parada.

"There is a possibility that these factors contribute to an increased production of carbon dioxide, making it easier for mosquitoes to sense the presence of humans."

4. Some people feel the itch more than others
Almost everyone will feel the itch from mosquito bites, although it could be worse for certain people who have a tendency to develop a more prominent bump or excessive itching. Itching is caused by the release of histamine in the body in response to mosquito saliva injected when they drink our blood.

5. The area Scratching the bites itch worse
If you can resist, try not to scratch the itchy bumps area. Only resulted in increasing its salivary reaction and increase the histamine response in your body, so as to make the itching worse. In addition, excessive scratching can cause skin irritation which can cause infection.

Well, that's 5 Scientific Facts About the mosquito bites that may not yet know my friend. Clearly, the mosquito is as an intermediary several kinds of diseases. To that end, beware, and it is good we prevent their proliferation as early as possible.
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Lazy Sex After Years Married

When I was a new bride, the activities of sex can be always waiting for the couple. But after the wedding going on for years, no longer passionate sexual desire. Even the husband or wife Often lazy fuck. What is the cause? Topics lazy fuck an issue that is Often asked readers in Sexology Consulting rubric. As experienced Nelly, married women aged 33 years. 

Doc, I am a housewife WHO has been married for 10 years and already has two children. I want to ask why I have no desire marital relationship Because every touch I never feel anything and I always feel sick at all. What is the sign I frigriditas and not love my husband again? Dr Andrew Wanananda MS explaining Decreased libido and desire lust for sexual relationships can be understood. Therefore, a marriage that has Existed for 10 years is not uncommon cause boredom for sex. 

However, loss of desire for sex should be wary Also as a sign of the onset of chronic diseases Reviews such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels can cause neuropatia roomates, the sensitivity of the nerves to the genital organs disturbed. It was the cause of early neural be hiposensitif body. "You and your husband need to work together to Overcome the boredom factor to try different variations of lovemaking and erotic stimuli in the zone of the body most sensitive to spark the passion of lust that can be done during foreplay to Achieve optimal vaginal lubrication. When that happens, the vaginal cavity will be split and the penetration of the penis can be done that will evoke a sense of pleasure 'fantastic' and women will not feel afternoon during sex, "advises Dr. Andrew who is a member of the Indonesian Medical Association and a member of the Association of Sexology Indonesia (ASI). 

WHO women had surgical removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) is Often Also complain of loss of desire for sex. Because it seems to act indirectly influence on female sensuality. It can be the caused due to an imbalance of hormone levels (estrogen, progesterone, oxytocin). The function of Reviews These hormones that decline against erotic zones of make women sensitive in the process towards the climax (orgasm). "Notice that the female physical fitness is always primed by means of regular physical exercise is accompanied with a balanced diet nutrition levels. 

Especially for women WHO have had a hysterectomy surgery, did not deny that the stress would Happen to him. Then a couple of men were required to give the caresses of love in order not to cause psychological trauma in women, "advises Dr. Andrew WHO IS ALSO A lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tarumanagara.
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How to Increase Weight Loss Safe For Thin Man

Ideal weight would be the dream of many people. Because besides more pleasing to the eye, Also had no trouble finding clothes that fit. Well, some people have a desire to WHO add lean body weight that is not too thin. How the heck do I healthy? Questions about how to increase of the weight for someone who is skinny Become one of the most asked question in Nutrition Consultation experienced throughout 2015. As Meilany Rida (17). I have a problem with weight. My skinny body. Eat 3 meals a day, rarely nyemil, rarely exercise as well. What should I do to gain weight quickly intervening? 

Leona Victoria Djajadi MND, caregivers Nutrition Consultation, say if you want to raise the weight should be diligent eating and snacking. Well, the food menu every meal should Contain proteins and carbohydrates. Snacks consumed too should Contain high protein and calcium, Reviews such as nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts), seeds Reviews such as sunflower seeds and sesame seeds, soy products, and milk and other-similar products. "Full cream milk or yogurt can used Because You need to fatten the body, as well as a handful of nuts or a sandwich," said WHO nutritionist graduated from the University of Sydney, Australia, this. According to Victoria, exercise IS ALSO required to be someone who is fattening the body. Without exercise, all the calories in and absorbed by the body will accumulate into fat. Though desirable is that muscle. 

Besides formation, lack of sleep factor can also make a person difficult, to gain weight. It is certainly different from the people who cannot sleep, but coupled with eating or snacking continues, it can lead to obesity. "During sleep, there is a growth hormone (growth hormone) the which is actually released the body. So, a lot of growth and regeneration Occurs during sleep. Instead, if not sleep, growth hormone is so difficult, and difficult, to remove the body to grow, "said Victoria.
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Monday, February 23, 2015

Hazardous Materials in Home Cleaning Products

Soap, fabric softener and air freshener is a product that we use every day to keep the house clean. Apparently, these products save dangers hidden for health.

The reason, as some cleaning products on the market contain harmful chemicals. If exposed to direct even every day, can lead to respiratory problems and even kidney damage.

Well, my friend, these are hazardous materials that exist in the household cleaning products, along with other solutions that you can use more secure.

1. fragrances room and dish soap
Dangerous substances: Phthalates
Phthalates are widely found in household products are aromatic, such as air freshener, soap dish or tisue fragrant. Manufacturers typically do not have the words of phthalates on the packaging, but if you see the word fragrance or perfume in the list of substances, it is probable that these products contain phthalates.

The danger: These chemicals can interfere with the performance of the endocrine glands. According to the findings of the researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at the Harvard School of Public Health, men with high concentrations of phthalates in their blood, reduced sperm count. "Phthalates can also trigger migraines and asthma. Although these substances are generally enter the body through breathing, but can also damage the skin through. Phthalates are exposed can be absorbed through the skin and internal organs about," said researcher Alicia Stanton, MD, as reported Care2 page, Friday (19/9).

The solution: If possible, choose a product that is free of fragrances or contain organic and natural ingredients. For air freshener, should avoid products containing aerosols. Replace with aromatherapy essential oils or just open the windows of your house every morning so that fresh air can enter. Place also some plants inside and outside the home , because the plant is sucking natural toxins.

2. Antibacterial soaps and detergents
Dangerous substances: Triclosan
Triclosan is contained in almost every liquid soaps, bar soaps, detergents and soaps specially hand-labeled anti-bacterial.

The danger: Triclosan is an anti-bacterial agent that is very aggressive, but it can trigger the growth of bacteria that are resistant to the drug. The American Medical Association did not find any evidence that the anti-microbial material can make a person become healthier or safer. That is, we should not use the products anti-bacterial excessive because it potentially makes microbial become stronger.

In addition, some studies have also found that high concentrations of triclosan is very harmful to the habitat of algae that live in rivers and streams. Triclosan can also disrupt hormonal balance and function of the human body.

The solution: Detergents and soaps usual (without triclosan or anti-bacterial) is enough to kill bacteria. Only use products containing triclosan if you are in an environment that is very dirty and full of germs, such as public toilets, disaster site or after direct contact with open wounds that bacteria and germs can die quickly. As for everyday purposes, avoid its use.

3. Fabric Softener
Hazardous substances: Quartenary Ammonium Compounds (quats)
Quats contained in the liquid fabric softener and most household furniture cleaners labeled anti-bacterial.

The danger: Quats is another form of anti-microbial, and the effect is the same as triclosan potentially grow bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. Quats can also make the skin iritasi.Ssebuah research conducted over 10 years found that quats is one of the triggers of skin infections. Quats are also suspected to be the cause of respiratory distress.

The solution: Reduce even if necessary discontinue use fabric softener. To soften the fabric, you can use natural ingredients with a mixture of vinegar and tea-tree oil.

"Vinegar is a natural fabric softener. Not only are non-toxic, but also eliminates the residual soaps and detergents," says the author of 'The Naturally Clean Home' Karyn Siegel-Maier.

Meanwhile, tea-tree oil serves as an anti-fungal. Mix a few drops of tea-tree oil with one tablespoon of vinegar, then mix into the water in a spray bottle. As fragrances, add a few drops of lavender oil. Use this mixture instead of fabric softener and anti-bacterial fabric.

4. Liquid cleaners and kitchen window
Dangerous substances: 2-butoxyethanol
2-butoxyethanol substances contained in the cleaning liquid multifunctional, the kitchen and the window.

The danger: 2-butoxyethanol is the main ingredient in cleaning the window. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA, this material can cause a sore throat when inhaled. In high concentrations, 2-butoxyethanol can also cause narcosis (decreased function of the central nervous system), as well as damage to the liver and kidneys. The effect can be dangerous if used in a small room and closed.

If you clean up in a restricted area, such as the bathroom without ventilation, you can be exposed to 2-butoxyethanol exposure to high levels.

Solution: Clean the glass window and cemin with old newspapers soaked in vinegar. To clean the kitchen, use homemade cleaning agents. Mix baking soda, vinegar and essential oils. This mixture produces a natural cleaning formula that is safe for health.

Hopefully with the information of hazardous materials contained in household products above, can make us much more aware of its use. Remember, it is better to prevent than cure.
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Oil Pulling Therapy Magical Health

Ayurvedic Oil Pulling Therapy, is one of the therapeutic alternatives in maintaining oral health. Because this therapy is done by rinsing using oil.

Then, what is Oil Pulling yourself? According to various sources, Oil Pulling is a natural therapy that has been done since thousands of years ago. Many people believe that the success of therapy Oil Pulling is caused by the absorption of toxins and chemicals through the blood vessels in the mouth and tongue, as well as the absorption of fatty acids contained in the oil that is used by the sublingual gland located under the tongue.

Based on the presentation Dr. Karach, Oil Pulling can help cure various diseases, from headache, toothache, bronchitis, eczema and boils, to a variety of diseases in and some specific diseases experienced by women. Even also can cure neurological disorders, paralysis, preventing the growth of malignant tumors, and many other disorders.

One day, my friend is allergic much food . Whenever eating certain foods, the skin becomes red and itchy, accompanied by swelling. Condition very frightening. However, after undergoing routine Oil Pulling every morning for 2 months, the disease was never returned and the skin becomes cleaner although diet has not changed at all.

Natural therapy that originated in India has been tested and is believed properties by millions of people around the world . It increases my faith to try this type of therapy to overcome various health problems that I experienced.

The method is very simple, not dangerous , and very cheap: only for a spoonful of vegetable cooking oil every day! The most frequent type of oil used is the sesame oil and sunflower oil. But can also use organic coconut oil cold pressed.

How to do it?

· Choose your oil type
Do it in the morning before eating and drinking. Pour a tablespoon of sunflower oil / sesame / coconut oil or whatever you have chosen, and gargle with the oil for 15-20 minutes. Children can also do this with the amount of oil that is adjusted, as long as they can control not to swallow it.

· How to Gargle
Try gargling perfectly. Make sure the oil in the mouth of all parts of the oral cavity, including between the teeth and under the tongue. This oil will begin to mix with saliva. If the jaw muscles become stiff, it means you are too stubborn rinse. Relaxed and relax the jaw muscles and use your tongue to help drive the oil in the mouth.

If there is interference, so my friend was worried would swallow the oil, such as sneezing or coughing want, then remove the contents of the mouth and try again from the beginning. At first it is a bit uncomfortable because it has not been accustomed to, but if you are patient and diligent implement, then in a few weeks, you will experience positive results. In the mouth, the oil will change color to white as milk. After rinsing for 15-20 minutes, spit the contents of the mouth.

· Clean your mouth
Once all the oil has been removed, rinse the mouth (by rinsing well) with warm water that has been mixed with table salt. Salt water is not absolutely necessary, but it is helpful as an anti-microbial and good for inflammation, is also effective in flushing out any toxins that may still remain in the mouth.

· Repeat this treatment every day for at least 30 days, but ideally 45-60 days.

Good luck and hopefully useful! ^ _ ^
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The size relationship of the penis and ejaculation

Mr. P is great if more durable in bed? The answer is not necessarily. In a new partner, if the husband was too fast suspected discharge of sperm, it does not necessarily be Regarded as premature ejaculation. Questions about the size of the penis and ejaculation Become one of the many readers asked. One of them filed by Kafsya, 28-year-old man. Doc why my sperm quickly intervening once out? Even sometimes only with an intimate kiss and so on, I sometimes already out. What happens to my Doc? What is the cure? I was so embarrassed I even middling large size. Dr. Andrew Wanananda, MS, caregivers Consultation Sexology explain the problem too quickly intervening cement out Often leads to the assumption of 'premature ejaculation'. 

However, premature ejaculation cannot be convicted too fast for the ideal intimate relationship takes time orientation. Married couples actually be proficient when through the learning process, to Achieve an intimate relationship that ideal. According to Dr. Andri, discharge from the penis can be a liquid derived from the reproductive glands (seminal vesica Among other glands). Palpable penile wet state during foreplay or the circumstances in the which the liquid is mixed with sperm (male cells), cannot be said as ejaculation. Because ejaculation is Characterized by a sense of orgasm, the which is the peak of sexual pleasure, "said Dr. Andrew who is Also a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tarumanagara. 

Problem penis size, it depends on genetic factors, race and ethnicity . The average relative size of 10-15 cm when erect. However, the length is not the main thing. "Penis size is not important. Mr. P is 'strong' is to be tense and hard when erect, despite the mini size. Performance is determined when erect penis is capable of performing satisfactory intercourse (call now orgasm), "said Dr. Andrew WHO IS ALSO Members of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) and the Indonesian Association of Sexology (ASI) fitness. Keep like exercising and nutrition konsumisi support balanced like carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals can help the courage of Mr. P.
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Pubic Hair Condition Appearance Affects Women in Men's Eyes, Really?

Some women have a diligent shave her pubic hair for reasons of hygiene, health, and beauty of the vital organs. Conversely, there are also women who tend to be lazy and do not shave pubic hair. Well, this condition is often associated with men's views on the performance of his wife when in ranjang.Menanggapi this case, a sex therapist in New York, Amber Madison, the Supreme Court said the men's views about the conditions on the performance of female pubic hair in the bed depends on how the husband looked at his wife and also how her nature. "If he himself ignored, may be he is not too concerned with the state of the wife's pubic hair. 

So even when a husband among those who care about hygiene and health, could so he would prefer pubic hair neat," said Madison. "This view is very relatively. But thing you should remember is when the husband was able to excited just because of his wife, he would not be too concerned with the condition of your vital organs as well as other circumstances, such as belly fat or skin blackened, "lanjutnya.

He added, in survey ever conducted in the UK, from 1,870 women, 51% admitted that their partners do not really care conditions genital area, including pubic hair. While 45% said their partner asked them to take care of pubic hair and 62% of men prefer the natural look of her partner's genital area. "But certainly when there are health problems for example arise fungus, excessive vaginal discharge odor to arise is certainly no specific responses revealed a man to his partner," continued Madison.

about shaving pubic hair, Dr. Dani Juanda SpKK said to the area in the 'down there 'want to be left' longish 'or' bare 'up depending on the owner because it could be a matter of taste. "Do not need to be shaved pubic fur, which is important to keep clean. Kan function as a silencer during sexual intercourse. If this area is left slob, then the germs can enter, lice in the pubic hair can also dwells, 'said Dr. Dani some time ago.
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Bone pain When Cold Air

Some people complain of bone pain Often as the cold. This is actually a sign of what's sick? This complaint is one of the most frequently asked readers to bone. Consultation questions about joint pain as the cold, Among others, filed by Mobiana (21). He claimed to have 4 years experience sciatica pain Often once during the cold state. "I used to see a doctor but all the answers just cold allergy problems so alone, but I hope there is an answer that is very accurate, but yet I get up at this time. Because what the signs that I experienced was not much different from rheumatism and the like. But the answer is not the problem. The question I, any disease that strikes my bones Doc? "According to the caregiver Consulting Bones, Dr. Benedict Megaputera, MSI, SpOT, cold water can lead to joint pain, but it is not the caused by cold water itself. Changes in air pressure (barometric) when cold water, ie the water pressure decreases, the water pressure drops. 

When that happens, the body tissue expands (expansion). "The expansion of this network that is causing pain. When this condition Occurs, then the treatment is making changes to the water pressure be not too big for your body, the which is entered into a warm room or cover the body with thick or warm clothes , "said Dr. Benedictus WHO IS ALSO A lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of Widya Mandala Surabaya. Bone pain can also be triggered another cause that is Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). Both are inflammatory joint disease due to the disorder of the immune system (autoimmune). Dr. Benedict suggested if a complaint is felt, you should consult a doctor Immediately orthopedic specialist at a nearby hospital for treatment advice that best suits the complaint. 

In addition, It is also Necessary to examine the range of motion and check if there are any changes in the form of joint. Investigation is conducted through blood tests and physical X-rays. Several inspection includes checks the which aims to Determine the range of motion and Evaluate the stability of the joint. Investigations of the joints, Including X-rays (xray) the which aims to Determine the condition of the bones or joints. While magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) aims to Determine the state of the soft tissue structures / non-bone. "These inspections Necessary to Determine the cause (diagnosis) of your complaint so that it can be NAMAs therapy planning and accurate," he concluded.
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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Do not Make Only One Type Sports

Certain sports are often not just a routine, but has been a hobby. Although no one likes one kind only, but should exercise performed with varying types. Why is that?

According to Grace Tumbelaka specialist sports, exercise must be varied to train the entire body of motor skills. This means that when people only do one type of exercise alone, the motor skills of trained only on certain parts.

"For example, running, indeed can gain by doing a fitness routine, but only trained leg muscles. Unlike when combined with cycling, someone also benefit balance training," he explained in a press conference Exercise is Medicine some time ago in Jakarta.

Grace suggested that someone could do a variation on the exercise was doing. For example, in one week, the one-time run, two-way, and twice cycling.

Grace explained, option exercise can be determined each individual with interests and existing facilities. But the signs are important is to choose the type of aerobic exercise.

Aerobic exercise option to keep in shape. Even if done with measurable and focused, sport can provide a therapeutic effect healing.

Character of aerobic exercise include walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or aerobics. "Even if able to do so, skipping (jumping rope) and climbing (climbing) could also be an option," said Deputy Chairman of the Association of Physician Specialists Sports this.
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Although the Twins, Two Babies Born This Intermittent 2 Months

Twin babies usually are born at the same or a few minutes later. However, a woman from Romania twins each woman born almost two months ago.

The 41-year-old woman gave birth to her first baby in November 2014, but the second baby is born 7 weeks later in January 2015. This means that, although the twins, they were born in a different calendar year.

During pregnancy, there was not a significant problem experienced by the mother. However, he experienced a contraction at 7 months gestation. She then gave birth to the first baby naturally, and the doctors thought the baby would be born soon. Unexpectedly, after the first baby delivery, the contractions stopped.

The results showed the twins is in the bag embryo and placenta separate different. In other words, they are not identical twins.

Finally, the doctor advised the mother to continue the pregnancy of her second baby. The second baby was born in January 2015 by caesarean section at a hospital in Bucharest, Romania.

"It's a very rare thing, I do not know the medical mechanism to stop the contractions for both twins. It is a miracle of God," said Dr. Adrian Sorin Cracun.

Both twins are born with low weight. The first baby only weighs less than 900 grams, and the baby both 1 kilogram. They then had to stay in hospital until the end of January 2015 and weighs 2.2 pounds and 2.9 pounds when allowed to go home.

Are not identical twins are babies that have separate placentas and derived from the two cell embryo eggs with two pockets and two placentas.

"However, the fact that they were born 7 weeks later is not unusual. Born ago it was still normal, but it was not until weeks," said Dr. Leila Hanna, a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology (OB) of BMI The Sloane Hospital, United Kingdom.

Hanna guessed, the mother had suffered little openings. However, after the first baby was born, the contractions stop and birth mouth shut so that no openings for a second baby. "There is no exact cause, this is an unusual case," he said.

Similar cases have been reported in MailOnline when a pair of twins born in England in 2013 12 weeks ago. There are also twins were born three months ago. The birth was recorded as the longest interval of twin births in the world.
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Do You Know? This impact Vegetarian Diet For Sperm

Vegetarian lifestyle is believed to extend the life and make life healthier. But apparently, the latest penelitiant find a negative effect on the quality of being vegetarian fertility sperma.Empat last year researchers from Loma Linda University Medical School started a project to find out how to do the vegetarian diet can affect sperm quality. Apparently, the study proves that not eating meat can reduce sperm quality. "We found that a diet or diet significantly affect sperm quality. The vegetarian proved to have a lower sperm count than on diets that do the non-vegetarians," said Dr. Eliza Orzylowska written as quoted by the Telegraph and Sunday (10/26/2015) .

In the study found that vegetarians have lower sperm counts than non-vegetarians. They have a smaller amount of sperm that is only 50 million sperm per ml compared to non-vegetarians more about 70 million sperm per ml.Selain that vegetarians also have motility (ability to move) lower sperm. In a non-vegetarian, active sperm stands at about 60 percent of the total sperm issued. But on a vegetarian, only one-thirds that aktif.Hanya course, vegetarians do not have to worry with his lifestyle. The researchers believe that the fertility vitamin deficiency experienced by vegetarians can be replaced by eating kedelai.Salah one factor why soy can replace vitamin content than meat, because soy contains phyto-estrogens that are similar to the female hormone estrogen. 

So the nutritional content derived from meat can be replaced with soy content. "A new theory has been found that vegetarians can substitute meat with soy nutrients, because soy contains phytooestrogens which can affect fertility," said Dr. Orzylowska which is an obstetrician at Loma Linda University Medical Centre.Selain soybeans, grapes, oranges and peaches can be vegetarians solution to improve the quality of sperm. In a study conducted at University of Texas Medical Branch fruits that contain vitamin C can increase the number and motility of sperm. "On the one hand, fruits and vegetables may have a positive effect on fertility, especially fruits are very high in antioxidants." said Jorge Chavarro of Harvard University.Selain eat soy and fruit vegetarians can also mengonsumsin oatmeal or foods that contain whole grains. 

The researchers say that oatmeal rich in L-arginine, one of the amino acids in cooperation with nitric oxide (NO) can reduce vascular stiffness amino darah.Asam contained in oatmeal also has long been used to treat erectile dysfunction because it can help muscles muscles surrounding the blood vessels of the penis to relax. With so when dilated veins, blood flow will be increased so that the vegetarians can maintain an erection longer.
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Saturday, February 21, 2015

We are sorry Born And Mind

One day a man came to the front of the Wise. "Master, I have a lot of sins. I have been slandered, lied to, and gossiping about other people with bad things. Now I regret it and would like to apologize and unseen. How can God forgive all the mistakes me?

"thesage said," Uptake pillows on my bed. Bring to the town square. There, open the pillow until chicken feathers and cotton inside out in the wind. That form of punishment for evil words that have come out from your mouth.

"Despitethe confusion, because in the end he underwent" punishment "he was told. In the square he opened the pillow and in the blink of chicken feathers and cotton fluttering in the wind.

When finished, he turned back to the Wise. "I have done what the teacher says. What I have now forgiven?"

Replied the Wise, "You can not be forgiven. You've run half the job. Now, go back to the square and back, pick up chicken feathers that had been fluttering blown wind.

No matter how many times we apologize. words that ever came out of our mouths will echo forever. Indeed, an apology on the day of Fitr can treat many things. However, it seems we also have to remember, that all that there would be no meaning, when we repeat the mistakes it back. 

Did you know.
The largest species of animals kangaroo, the red kangaroo, can have a heads up of a sheep, with heights up to 7 feet (210cm).

Actually, in the past lived species of kangaroo with a bigger size. From the discovery of fossils, giant kangaroo species have high towering up to 10 feet (304 cm, height basketball hoop), with the head of a Shetland pony.

Of course, not all giant kangaroo. There is a kind of kangaroo in miniature, such as Musk kangoroo, no bigger than a rabbit.

Wisdom Of The Day
We must forgive and then forget what we forgive. (Andrew Jackson)
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Natural WayWe Cheer

Have we experienced when heavy rainfall, we forgot to bring an umbrella. Then we were drenched berbasah cold. However, when we prepare a raincoat, it came burning hot and sweltering day. Sebalkah you?

Or maybe we never rushing to catch the time, but instead drive faltered, as if letting us late. However, when we want to go with a quiet, other motorists honking even so we accelerate the pace. Sebalkah you? Why circumstances often hostile? They seemed to poke fun.

Realize only. it is a natural way to entertain us. That's the way nature invites us smile, laugh at yourself, and obviously joking. Aggravation that emerged from us because they do not try to make friends with the state. We just selfish. We forget that if we desire not yet achieved, it could not hurt us greet him with a smile, though seemed discouraged, never mind.

Did you know.
If in Indonesia, some time ago we fiercely hold government family planning program, is not the case in the United Arab Emirates.

The country was actually doing the opposite policy , encouraging residents to marry and have children. It was driven by an academic study which revealed that the country's population growth in 2020 only 5%. Not clear how the population of the United Arab Emirates today.

However, the study has made ​​the United Arab Emirates government so upset. Therefore, the President of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan al Nahyan establish a "foundation of marriage". This foundation is to finance the United Arab Emirates marriage people.

Until now, the foundation has spent nearly 400 million dollars to the cost of about 44,000 couples marriage.

Wisdom Of The Day
Hatred or revenge do not hurt people who do not like. But every day and every night of your life, feeling it eats you. (Norman Vincent Peale)
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Abstinence Backward

"Is it possible to pass this way?" Napoleon asked to engineers who were sent to investigate the canal St. Bernard's scary.

"Perhaps, but not impossible," they replied in a tone of hesitation.

'Mileage course! "Said Napoleon regardless kesukaran- almost insurmountable difficulties. England and Austria laugh at Napoleon's decision to move troops across the Alps .

There was never a man who can. especially with bringing 60,000 soldiers, equipped with large guns, boxes of bullets, and goods in bulk.

But when the action that is "impossible" it is finished, people suddenly know that it can indeed be done from the beginning. All it takes is courage and determination as Napoleon.

He was never afraid to face any hurdles anitu. D ania take that chance. 

Did you know.
Hair, the crown upheld many people, including in the hill tribe Thailand. Yee Sateow (81). a tribal population, it has been listed in the Guinness Book of World Records in 2002 as having the longest hair in the world.

Yee Sateow, who died in July 2002 at his home in the remote northern Thailand, stop cutting rambutpada age of 18 years. When it Yee Sateow shaman or priest elected to the village and the hair grows to about 4.8 meters long.

He approached the record held by his brother Hoo Sateow, who died at the age of 77 years, with a 5.15-meter long hair. Guinness officers have visited Yee Yee Sateow few months before dying, to measure the hair.

Long hair two brothers have a towing tourists in recent years.

Wisdom Of The Day
Do not look at the past with regret; do not also see the future with fear; but look around you with full awareness. (James Thurber)
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Friday, February 20, 2015

means a victory

Victory is not only when we managed to beat the opponent in a match. And, not only when we managed to achieve the best performance. In fact, not only when we managed to get everything we want in this life.

But. victory is a moment where we can fight a failure. Moment in which we can overcome the disaster. Moment in which we can rise from a sad state. And, the moment in which we feel is very low, but we were able to fight destroy all the trials it.

Victory is a moment where we can make it all as a sign of how unfortunately the Creator to us. The moment we realize how much we can learn a lot from all the failures that we experienced.

And. victory is a moment where we went so steady and sure that we are so great to just fight a small failure. Moment where we can beat ourselves, so sometimes we miss a failure. Because of failure that makes us aware of where we are. 

Did you know.
Two Barbie dolls. Sara and Dara. can now be found in stores in Iran with a price of about $ 150,000 per piece. In contrast to the generally Barbie doll dressed West, Sara and Dara wearing traditional clothing Iran. The difference again that usually can be removed Barbie clothes, clothes Sara and Dara can not be removed.

Making Barbie dress-profile and Iran is intended to counter the invasion of Western culture that goes through a variety of ways. The Iranian government has since 1996 banned Barbie dolls, despite the fact that dolls can still be obtained.

However, it turns out Sara and Dara's sales were not as expected. Children Iran apparently already fond of Barbie version of the West, such as seven-year-olds said, "I want a blonde Barbie, because like a movie star and I want to be like Barbie."

Wisdom Of The Day
Never parted without an expression of love to be remembered. Maybe it turned out to farewell forever. (Jean Paul Richter)
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Does A Leadership

Alexander the Great, or better known by the name of Alexander the Great, is a very famous Roman king with his leadership.

A time of Alexander the Great led his army across the desert are hot and dry. After nearly two weeks of running, he and his troops were exhausted and almost dying of thirst. But Alexander still led his troops to continue running vigorously.

On a Sweltering afternoon, two soldiers Came to Alexander with a bowl of water they draw from a pool of water that had been baked. Water pond was dry and there is little water will not be enough to meet the needs of the entire army. Seeing this, Alexander throw the water into the desert.

The king said, 'There is no point for a person to drink at a time when many people are thirsty!

"That'sleadership. You can not treat people you only as a means to an end you. You have to show sincerity and constancy yourself with equally feel what you feel people. 

Did you know.
Dozens of asteroids remnants of the collision of celestial bodies around 5.8 million years ago astronomers identified these fragments apparently will give you an idea of how to save the planet when the oncoming asteroid.

According to astronomer David Nesvorny of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder. Colorado (USA), 24 km diameter asteroid was apparently hit by a burst of small objects. Pieces and pieces of asteroids with diameters between 1.9 -19 km now remain in orbit between Jupiter and Mars.

In addition can be used to create a system that protects the Earth from a collision with a celestial body, collision in this space can be used to study the formation of the universe. As is known, the asteroid collision is believed to be one of the factors of planet formation. 

Wisdom Of The Day
Death is not the greatest loss in life. Greatest loss is what dies in the hearts while we are still alive. (Norman Cousins)
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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Brave Attempting

Once, a watchmaker said to watch being made. "Hi hour, are you able to beat at least 31,104.000 times during the year?" "Ha ?," said clock aghast, "How could I?"

"How about 86,400 times a day?" "Eighty thousand four hundred times? With a slim needle-slim like this?" responsibility hour full of doubt.

"How about 3,600 times in an hour?" "In one hour must beat 3,600 times? A lot of it is" still undecided hours with her ​​abilities.

Plumbers hours it with patience and then talk to the clock. "If so, could you beat one time every second?" "Naaaa, if so, I could!" word clock with enthusiasm.

So, once completed, the clock was ticking once every second. Imperceptibly, the seconds went by and watch it was incredible because it was for a whole year he has been ticking relentlessly. And that means he has to beat as many as 31,104,000 times.

There are times when we are hesitant to all job duties so heavy. But the fact that we've run, we were able to. Even originally we deem impossible to do though.

Do not say "no" before you've tried it.

Did you know.
Do not send a telegram to Singapore, because this country since March 30, 2002 and has been congratulated stay to the engine telegraph the message sender.

Formally Singapore telecommunications company stated that after over 100 years using the telegraph, the country decided to end the use of telegrams. For Singapore society is fairly sophisticated, this is clearly not a surprise announcement.

Telegram experienced the heyday of the 1960s and 1970s, where over a million messages sent every year. Slowly and surely, telegram era receded. In recent years, sending 400 messages a month alone is good. The times have been changed, the current generation might know telegram was not.  

Wisdom Of The Day
There is a measure of their lives from the day and year. Others with heart rate, passion, and tears. But the true measure under the sun is what you have done in this life to others. (Confucius)
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Ten Minutes Longer

Great people are really just ordinary people who have incredible determination. When people around you give up and retreat, kertakkan your teeth and try to dig a little deeper. Success achieved and maintained by those who keep trying. Go up, and confess; Today you may not achieve what you want, hope and dreams. One of the keys to getting your dream is a determination to never give up

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "A person is a hero not because he was bolder than others, but because he dared to survive ten minutes longer." A long-distance running athletes learn to become "accustomed", he will continue to run until exhausted, but he will not stop. Regular runners will surrender. However, long-distance runner knows that if he can withstand the pain was a little longer, he would become "accustomed".

Before someone tries hard enough and long enough until he became "familiar", then he will never know how much can he accomplish. Remember, that ability is composed of 95% determination to survive. 

Did you know.
In April of 2002. Barbie doll just "mourning" Barbie Dolls have to part with its creator. Ruth Handler. who died at the age of 85 years. Ruth is the "mother" of the famous Barbie doll in the whole universe is.

Ruth was originally inspired by his habit, Barbara, who love to play with cutout adult women. From there, Ruth believes that there is something that is sought after children rather than just being a mother-ibuan of the doll.

She was trying to create a beautiful doll clothes can be dismantled and reassembled in various fashion Barbie for the first time introduced at the American Toy Fair in 1959 . Barbie was a trend that is very phenomenal. Nearly 90 percent of women in the US has one of the Barbie collection. In fact, the price can reach millions of dollars.

Ruth was born in Denver, Colorado. He was the youngest of ten children of Jewish immigrants. At age 19, he moved to Hollywood and marry his friend, Elliot Handler. The couple is then founded Mattel Inc. together with a colleague. Harold Matson. in 1942. To date, the company has sold more than a billion doll in 150 countries.

Wisdom Of The Day
We are what we repeatedly do. Thus, brilliance not act, but a habit. (Aristotle)
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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Putting aside for a moment in time

We never see the stars move, even if they are moving at a speed of more than a million kilometers per day. We never see the tree grow, or pay attention to ourselves that getting older every day. We do not even look at the clock moving.

We tend to think of static and constantly surprised by the changes that occur in this world, and it's often an unpleasant surprise and sometimes even deadly.

Let us set aside a moment to be grateful for the good things in life we are. Reflect on what you have kitacapai. people who pay attention to us. we get the experience, expertise and interest that we have, what we believe, and most beautiful things in our lives. Because the life and opportunities that only come once. 

Did You Know.
In Bulgaria, very rampant looting, until the road signs were stolen turned into a table in a tavern. Meanwhile, the high-voltage cable was removed for sale on the black market. The rails are also missing from the track.

Looters cause enormous losses in infrastructure in Bulgaria. During August 2002 alone, 94 miles of electrical wiring is missing from the middle of the capital city of Sofia, with an estimated loss of more than 336,000 euros.

The signs were stolen street sold at a price of 20 US dollars on the black market. Police also found a cafe whose desk entirely made ​​of signs which have been processed again.

Bulgaria only has 85,000 street signs, less than 10 years earlier, as a result of this preposterous business. Sofia electricity company takes a week to fix the emergency power supply after the criminals knocked out 11 concrete pillars to get a cable that is on it. 

Wisdom Of The Day
A leader is one who sees more than others see, see farther than others to see. and saw before others see. (Leroy EIMS)
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Wheel of Life

"Teacher, I've heard the story of the wise who go away on foot. Just weird, whenever there is a downhill road, the supposedly wise rather gloomy. But if the road is being climb he smiled. Lessons What can I learn from the story ini1?

""It's a symbol of man who has matured in salt acid permeates life. It should we make a mirror. When bernasih well. occasionally we need to realize that one when we will have bad luck we did not expect. As such we do not get too excited just to forget to be grateful to the Creator. When being bad luck, we look to the future with an optimistic smile. Optimism is not enough, we must balance the optimism that with hard work.

""What is the reason me to be optimistic, I am aware of my luck was in and under.

""The reason is faith, because we believe will help the Creator.

""Wisdom's next?

""The famous one when it should be ready to be forgotten, the person above be prepared mentally to go down. The rich man when it should be ready for the poor. 

Did You know.
Skullcap interim Prime Minister of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, who is very well known even won praise in Milan and Paris, was made ​​up of fetal sheep fur. Traders skullcap in Kabul admitted, since the turn of the Taliban government a few months ago. kopiahnya sales soared.

A merchant cap comparing, during the reign of the Taliban at best he can only sell a cap for a week. Now he can sell up to 50 pieces a week. Maybe people affected Karzai of Afghanistan. Moreover, in the fashion week last January in Milan, Gucci designer Tom Ford, Karzai praised as "the most chic man on earth".

Just imagine how acquired enough material mengerikan.Induk pregnant sheep cut, then the fetus is taken. That is why the resulting cap feels very soft because the fetus was never in contact with water or hot sun. 

Wisdom Of The Day
Do not let others influence your ideas and decisions. In the next five years, it's you - not them - who have to live with the choices you've made. (Sarah Brklacich)
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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Disadvantages Yourself

We all know that the real man is not perfect, everything has its advantages and disadvantages. So, should the differences that exist do so conflict between us, even just the opposite; the difference was created to complement each other.

And, let us not too sorry for yourself; if we have a shortage, then we should not consider ourselves to be weak, we suppose this is just a little different from the others. Because each person is also fundamentally different and have weaknesses or deficiencies.

Focus yourself on the things we can possibly do, not on our shortcomings. Focus on our strengths and build the strength to succeed. Do not be too contemplate self-pity or even shut myself from the reality of life, because it will not help at all.

Go and do not be afraid to make mistakes, because the act means we sudahmengatasikelemah andirikitadan best evoked potentials ourselves. It is very useful for us to achieve the best things in life.

Thanks to our circumstances. God is omniscient upon us, and we otherwise can not know what his planned. 

Did you know.
Popularity sank the British royal family in the eyes of the country's young people. Similarly, according to a poll conducted by Market and Opinion Research International.

Sixty percent of respondents aged 16-24 years say they are more interested in the life of "Family Simpsons" compared to 18 percent who choose family interested in UK.

Even worse, according to The poll found that only one in five respondents from the age group who remember the first name of the fourth child of Queen Elizabeth II. their queen. Meanwhile, almost half of the respondents were captured, they memorized the names of three well-known figures in the British television soap opera, East Enders. However, 70 percent of respondents still want to retain the monarchy as their form of government. 

Wisdom Of The Day
Open your eyes when walking, because we can only be met by chance. As for the occasion itself blind. Hold on tight, because the opportunity came and went without telling (Anonymous)
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Fire Strength of Love

Once upon a time, Axes, Saws, Hammers, and Flame are traveling together -the same. Somewhere, their journey stalled because there is a piece of steel that lay blocking the street. They tried to get rid of the steel with the strength they have respectively.

"That can I get rid of," said Axe. Blows hit hard once strong and tough steel that also. But each stab just makes it more blunt ax itself until it stops.

"Here, let me take care of," said Saws. With sharp teeth without feeling, he began sawing. But he was shocked and disappointed, all the teeth become dull and fall out.

"What I said," Hammer said, "I've Kan way, you can not. Here, here I show you how." But only once he hit, his head bouncing itself, and steel remains unchanged.

"Can I try?" asked Flame. And he put himself, gently wrestle, hug, and held it tightly without going to release it. Hard steel and even then melted liquid.

There are many heart hard enough to resist the wrath and fury of anger for the sake of high prices. But rare heart flame resistant against warm love.

How wise wise there in a fire kehangatan.seperti softness and cold heart melt. Ah, no one denies resistant flame of love.

Did You Know.

For safe and peaceful country, even little things are taken care of by the government. This is happening in Singapore. Social Development Unit (SDU), which is under the government had distributed leaflets in the form of tips for those who are single.

The eight page brochure contains practical tips. "If you have a dog, why not choose the small.This to ensure that Your boyfriend is not afraid of the dog. " Once one of the tips listed in the brochure.

For what it taught tips. SDU director Tan-Huang Shuo Mei said. "We intend to empower people by helping single basic skills to relate to others, to show them a natural process."

The city-state is already in recent years to encourage people to get married and have children. result in lower birth rates. 

Wisdom Of The Day
The nature of love as the nature of water in the soil. If you do not dig enough, you earn is the murky water. If you dig enough, you earn is the water clean and clear. (Hazrat Inayat Khan)
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Monday, February 16, 2015

Best Teacher

Do you remember your best teacher in the school year, the teacher who inspires you to learn and do the terbaik1? The teacher gives a challenge for you to go forward, more than other teachers. Initially, the extra challenge may seem unfair, or even cruel. But now you will look different. You look at him with respect and trust, that because of the challenges that you can move forward.

Currently there is a great teacher who was teaching you. He is "life". Life is the best teacher. But the lesson often feels hard, sharp, and sometimes cruel. There was disappointment, sadness, confusion, loneliness and frustration in every teaching.

The lessons of life is hard, but because we learn and the largest growth. Life challenges us and push us higher, he helped reveal our true character, and in a way that encourages us to build a stronger character.

On the outside of all the lessons. meditate. Teachers are the most loving and nurturing that we have built the best of ourselves. Perhaps we now do not appreciate it, but it will arrive the next you'll be thankful. Just as we give thanks for our first school teacher. 

Did you know.
Most British people certainly familiar with the name Ronnie Biggs, the train robber in the history of the country. Biggs is now 72 years old, has been ill and hospitalized in Belmarsh prison, southeast London.

Latest news Biggs made ​​some time ago, she returned requested pieces of punishment. It is a continuing effort does after demand reduction of sentence he asked in January 2002 the high court rejected.

In the case of robbery in 1963 that made ​​it rich because it can rob 3.7 million dollars. Biggs was sentenced to 30 years. However, great Biggs, just 15 months after being jailed, he managed to escape and live in Brazil. In place of this escape Biggs luxury of life. However, due to poor health, in May 2001, he surrendered to the British police, he was flown from Brazil with a special chartered plane at the expense of a British tabloid.

Wisdom Of The Day
We are told that talent creates opportunities, but it sometimes seems that intense desire creates not only opportunities, but also talent. (Eric Hoffer)
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Discipline Will Bringing you

Without self-discipline. you will be dealing with a lot of things that might not be able to accomplish. Maybe you could move briefly to rely on the spirit, intelligence, and passion. But, sooner or later you will be dealing with something that you can not achieve without the discipline.

We tend to think of discipline in termnegatif, which is placed adjacent to the word "punishment". However, you realize. that the only negative discipline - only when it is done by others to you. Self-discipline on the contrary, is entirely positive and supportive.

You are given a choice. You can ignore the self-discipline and wait disciplined others - which is sometimes hard and painful. Or discipline themselves, which will be paid by the many achievements

Did You Know.
You might think that a gun is a tool that is harmful and should be avoided. But, if you ever play Yoyo. means you've played a weapon.

Yoyo has been around a long time, but just arrived and was known in America in 1929. Filipinos make Yoyo from climbing trees which ends tied with hard stones. They threw the stones to pull rods rambatnya.

Yoyo first in America is made ​​of wood. Donaid Duncan had the idea to ask the Philippines demonstrate Yoyo at the shopping center. Thus the Americans realize that Yoyo also can be used as a toy. Finally, Yoyo made ​​of colorful plastic material and can be purchased at toy stores.

The name comes from the Tagalog Yoyo Philippines, which has the meaning of "Come, Come".

Wisdom Of The Day
You are a product of your environment. Then. choose the best environment for your development towards your goals. Analyze your life through your neighborhood. Are things around you to help you to success or even arrest you? (W. Clement Stone)
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